Sunday, March 15, 2020

Medical Doctor Dr Eshani Niranya Karu FDA Health

Dr. Eshani Niranya Karu MD is a practicing medical doctor for general health, as well as the Health & Beauty Medical Spa located at 1900 Royalty Drive, Pomona, California and can be reached at (909) 487-0489.

How does Pellevé work?
Pellevé delivers radiofrequency energy to deep tissue,
stimulating the production of new collagen over the weeks and months following
treatment. This new collagen helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine
lines while producing firmer, more youthful-looking skin.
Pellevé can be used to help smooth out eyelid wrinkles and
crow’s feet and diminish smile lines and other wrinkles around your mouth. The
system’s radiofrequency ablation feature can be used to help remove spider
veins, the small, red or blue web-like veins that are commonly found along the
nose or cheeks.
Is Pellevé FDA-approved?
Yes. Pellevé was cleared by the FDA for the treatment of
facial wrinkles in 2009.
Despite your efforts to eat right and stay physically
active, you may have noticed that certain areas of your body are resistant to
change, such as your abdomen and flanks. It can be even more challenging to tackle
these areas as you age. Dr. Randy Karu offers SculpSure®, a safe, effective,
and completely non-invasive treatment that gives you the freedom to sculpt the
areas of your body that seem most resistant to diet and exercise. Your
consultation is completely free when you choose Dr. Karu’s Pomona, California,
office, which gives you the opportunity to learn everything you need to know
before committing to treatment.

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