Friday, September 6, 2019

Swedish Bitters

URB Bitters

Swedish Bitters

According to the Austrian author Maria Treben in her book, “Health Through God’s Pharmacy”.  Swedish Bitters has been used to alleviate several different skin conditions, such as eczema and acne, URB Alcohol Free Swedish Bitter is made using the same herbal formula developed by Maria Treben. URB suggests diluting Swedish Bitters in tea or water for maximum effect.

#swedishbitters #constipation #diarrhea #ibs #gastro #hemorrhoids #colon #bloating #health #weightloss #rectal #digestion #ibd #acidreflux #heartburn #stomachache #gas #cancer #digestive #guthealth #nutrition #colonoscopy #anal #rectum #diverticulosis #gerd #healthy #rectalbleeding #stomachpain #virus #bhfyp


  1. URB Alcohol Free Swedish has a lot of information on Maria Treben's book!

  2. Swedish Bitters by URB uses the 500 yr recipe made famous by MT with 11 herbs for alleviating acne, rashes, eczema and for liver and colon detox cleansing. Take 2 teaspoons in water or tea for recommended best use of #swedishbitters #URBalcoholfreeswedishbitters #constipation #diarrhea #ibs #gastro #hemorrhoids #colon #bloating #health #weightloss #rectal #digestion #ibd #acidreflux #heartburn #stomachache #gas #cancer #digestive #guthealth #nutrition #colonoscopy #anal #rectum #diverticulosis #gerd #healthy #rectalbleeding #stomachpain #virus #bhfyp
