Eshani Karu Body
Beautiful Med Spa
Eshani Karu BTL Med Spa Emtone™ / BTL
Med Spa Emsculpt® / Med Spa SculpSure Med Spa Gausti Emtone™
Med Spa Emsculpt® / Med Spa SculpSure Med Spa Gausti Emtone™
Eshani Karu BTL Med Spa Emsculpt®
treatments help improve BTL Med Spa patient’s abdominal tone, to strengthen the
abdominal muscles and develop a firm abdomen, as well as strengthen, tone and
firm their buttock, thighs, and calves.
treatments help improve BTL Med Spa patient’s abdominal tone, to strengthen the
abdominal muscles and develop a firm abdomen, as well as strengthen, tone and
firm their buttock, thighs, and calves.
Eshani Karu BTL Med Spa Emsculpt® and
Gausti is to tone patients’ buttocks,
abdomen, flanks, or thighs.
Gausti is to tone patients’ buttocks,
abdomen, flanks, or thighs.
Eshani Karu BTL Med Spa Emsculpt® burns
patient fat and builds muscle.
patient fat and builds muscle.
Eshani Karu BTL Med Spa and Gausti Emtone™
Eshani Karu BTL Med Spa Emtone™
treatments provide temporary pain relief of muscles and gives relief of muscle
spasms, while increasing local circulation where applied.
treatments provide temporary pain relief of muscles and gives relief of muscle
spasms, while increasing local circulation where applied.
We would like to welcome everyone from Pomona and cities from Los
Angeles, Orange County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County to call for
their free evaluation at (909) 487-0489.
Angeles, Orange County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County to call for
their free evaluation at (909) 487-0489.
Eshani Karu
Eshani Karu
Eshani Karu
Eshani Karu
Eshani Karu
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