Friday, April 24, 2020

Dr Eshani Karu MD Covid-19 V What are the Symptoms?

Dr Eshani Karu MD – UPDATE Covid-19 V – What Are
The Symptoms?
The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC)
has told us on their website that people who have COVID-19
have a lot of different symptoms that go from having very mild symptoms to
having severe illness.  The CDC also
tells us that the symptoms may appear as soon as 2 days into the illness to up
to 14 days after the person was exposed to the COVID-19.
So the symptoms
that we should all be aware of for ourselves and our loved ones include:
·       Coughing
·       High temperature –
·       Chills
·       Repeated shaking
with chills
·       Shortness of
Difficulty Breathing

The CDC cautions that the virus may often be spread by
people who are infected but are not showing outward signs that they are

People with COVID-19 may also have:
·       Muscle Pain
·       Headache
·       Sore throat
·       New loss of taste
or smell

Now at the same time we have all experienced a headache and
sore throat.  Some of us will cough after
eating peanuts or a food with hot sauce if the food goes down our throat the
wrong way.  How do we know when to seek a
medical doctor.

The CDC tells us the following emergency warning signs for
COVID-19.  If you have one of these
symptoms get medical attention immediately.
  • You are having TROUBLE
  • You have a PERSISTENT
  • You have NEW CONFUSION
    (disorientation) or INABILITY TO AROUSE (you are very sleepy and just
    can’t get to the “I’m Awake” stage).
  • You have BLUISH LIPS
    or a BLUE FACE.

These are not all the symptoms of COVID-19.  When in doubt, please call your medical
provider or doctor for advice.

Eshani Karu

Eshani Karu MD
Eshani Karu MD

Eshani Karu

Dr Eshani Karu

Dr Eshani Karu MD

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